Montao pubblica “Echoes Of The Cosmos”

Dodici brani immersivi, tra Hip-Hop, Trip-Hop, paesaggi cinematografici, Ambient, lo-fi ed Elettronica. E’ “Echoes Of The Cosmos”, nuovo e ambizioso album del produttore UK Montao, realizzato con la partecipazione di Slug, Masta Killa, Sa-Roc, Napoleon Da Legend, Koncept, Copywrite, Lane Shuler e River Nelson. Con una grande passione per la musica tutta, il disco di debutto di Montao non può che attraversare i generi alla ricerca di un sound meticcio ma proprio: when looking back at what I’ve created to this point, it truly encapsulates…me! To have truly expressed myself through my musical ideas, stories and themes – racconta l’artista. I’ve not tried to create anything for the sake of it. Everything has come naturally through my love of music, with many of the genres I have grown up meticulously listening to, obsessing over and learning. Also, it would be criminal not to mention my life long love for movies and how that has played a huge part in my creativity over time. It’s impossible not to see this in my music. This album is my first journey of many to come.